Course 3
Conducting behavioural research
In this video series, you will learn how to conduct research at different stages of the policy development cycle. The three-module course is presented by Filippo Muzi-Falconi, a behavioural scientist at The Behaviouralist.
The first module focuses on how to conduct formative research during the early stages of policy development. The second module outlines how to user-test a policy intervention to refine its design. Lastly, the third module focuses on how to conduct impact evaluations.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Understand how to conduct research at three key moments during the policy development process
Understand the main research methods to use
How to interpret and act upon results generated from your research
We hope that you enjoy this course!
Module 1: Conduct formative research to define yoru challenge length: 22 minutes |
The first module focuses on how to conduct formative research. Formative research is a more explorative type of research that serves to better understand the challenge at hand during the early stages of policy development.
Part 1: About formative research
Part 2: What to research when conducting formative research
Part 3: How to collect data in formative research
Part 4: Analysing your findings
Part 5: Mapping your theory of change
Module 2: User-test your policy intervention length: 11 minutes |
This second module outlines how to user-test a policy intervention. User testing is a type of research that helps refine the design of an intervention.
Part 1: About user-testing
Part 2: What to research when user-testing policies
Part 3: How to collect user-testing data
Part 4: Convert user feedback into actions
Module 3: Evaluate the impact of your policy intervention length: 18 minutes |
This third module focuses on conducting impact evaluations to assess the effectiveness of your policy or programme once a pilot has been rolled out. We review different research methods, weight their strengths and weaknesses and outline how act upon findings.
Part 1: About impact evaluations
Part 2: Prerequisites for conducting an impact evaluation
Part 3: Overview of evaluation methods
Part 4: Common challenges when conducting randomised evaluations
Part 5: Analysing and interpreting results
Part 6: Improve and scale your policy
Course takeaways length: 2 minutes |
This concluding video provides an overview of modules 1, 2 and 3.
Course takeaways